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Cannabis Around the World: Global Trends and Innovations

Cannabis is one of the most rapidly evolving industries globally. You’ll find cannabis trends driving growth in several key areas, such as market sales, cultivation, product development, science, and legalisation.

Thanks to the growing global popularity of cannabis, we expect these trends to continue for the foreseeable future. Here are some of the biggest trends stemming from a more global acceptance of cannabis.


1 – Cannabis Legalisation Trends

One of the main drivers for so many cannabis trends is legalisation. Cannabis is still highly regulated in most countries. However, we see more countries adopt practices decriminalising the plant and making it acceptable for medical use every year.

For example, the US now has 24 states where it’s legal. Thailand became the first Asian country to legalise it. And legalised medical use is now accepted in countries like Switzerland, Colombia, New Zealand, and Israel. Be sure to stay updated on your country’s laws before engaging in any cannabis-related activities like cultivation or consumption.

A trend we’ve spotted for legalisation is that cultivation for personal use is typically the first step to a country allowing its use. Once decriminalised, countries allow citizens to grow a limited number of cannabis plants indoors. It’s led to us expanding our delivery services to more zones in Europe who can now take advantage of our premium cannabis seeds.

2 – Cultivation Innovation Trends

Another cannabis trend we’re most excited about is cultivation. Now that more people are experimenting with growing cannabis at home, they’re finding new ways to grow the plant more efficiently. Innovations created more strains from cross-breeding seeds, higher yields, and overall better quality cannabis.

Growing cannabis indoors now supports agricultural practices like hydroponics and aeroponics instead of the traditional method using soil. Also, better grow setups that better stimulate a natural grow environment for the plants to thrive in any season. This can include specially designed grow tents and nutrients added to your soil or water solutions to improve the growing process.

Cannabis trends in cultivation are rapidly changing the quality and quantity of cannabis you can enjoy for your personal use. Since countries limit the number of plants you can grow at a time, techniques like stress training and supercropping can produce larger yields than expected from a single plant.

3 – Cannabis Industry Growth Trends

Cannabis is a multi-billion dollar global industry that continues trending up. The basis of this positive growth trend is a growing societal acceptance of cannabis. The Netherlands was an early mover in legalising cannabis and a declining social stigma over its use. As more countries adopt these ideals, it’s led to an increase in regulated sales of different cannabis products, new industries supporting cannabis-related businesses, and a growing popularity for cultivation.

The cannabis industry is growing as fast as the plant itself! It attracts both entrepreneurs looking to cash in on the green rush and weed enthusiasts gaining more access to products and tools used for cultivation.

One of the latest industry drivers is cannabis tourism. The Netherlands has always been high on the bucket lists for weed connoisseurs who were unable to consume cannabis legally in their own countries. This tourism has expanded to many other countries, offering their own unique experiences and opportunities to consume cannabis in socially-friendly locations.

4 – Product Trends

Cannabis is much more than just a plant. While flower remains the most popular form, cannabis trends are revealing a more diverse use of the plant for consumption.

Some of the different products being made with cannabis include vape carts (solvents and distilled), edibles (gummies, baked goods, supplements), beverages, and help-based textiles.

CBD products are becoming more mainstream. Due to its lack of THC, it’s not only prevalent among cannabis users but also among those seeking its health benefits.

5 – Science Trends

Cannabis goes hand-in-hand with science, and researchers are dedicating their careers to learning more about the plant. From research to experiments, new information emerges constantly. Potential medical benefits of using cannabis are revealed, as well as more practical uses.

Science also plays a role in cultivation. Improved science helps growers develop new, more potent strains and provides helpful data about their grows, such as THC and CBD content levels.

The global acceptance of cannabis has taken the plant from the underground into the labs. Access to better research methods and tools will advance our knowledge of cannabis.

Future Outlook for Cannabis Trends

Amsterdam Genetics has had nearly four decades of success in producing high-quality cannabis seeds—thanks to the progressive ideals about cannabis in the Netherlands. Now that cannabis culture has become a global phenomenon, these trends are starting to expand to all corners of the world, from Europe to the Americas to Africa to Asia.

The continued expansion of cannabis exposes us all to new ways of cultivating, consuming, and uses beneficial to the entire community. Keep an eye out for new cannabis trends soon to emerge.

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