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Can CBD And Vitamin C Boost Virus Defences ?

There’s no denying it: all around, people are worried about their health. It’s hardly surprising in times when new viruses like COVID-19 are a global concern. Are you looking for your own way to boost your health? Need a natural means to support your body’s defences? Perhaps it is time you gave our Supmedi CBD tablets with added vitamin C a try.

The Health Effects Of CBD

Amsterdam Genetics knows that the cannabis plant has much more to offer than just THC. Every day, more people experience the health effects of CBD, another compound naturally found in the plant. Now more than ever, we are glad to have Supmedi CBD tablets with added vitamin C in our product range!

cbd vitamin c coronavirus

CBD Supplements come in all shapes and sizes, but CBD Tablets have that extra vitamin C kick!

Progressing Scientific Insights

Scientific research is thorough, and therefore slow. That’s why definitive medical proof for CBD’s effects is still some way off. We can see how medical studies make slow progress in today’s coronavirus crisis as well. A possible vaccine is still months away at least. It explains why everyone is looking for other ways to boost their health. That makes the combination of CBD and vitamin C in a dietary supplement an interesting option for all of us. Whether you’re young or old, fighting fit or out of shape; an added boost for your natural defences always helps – now more than ever.


cbd tables

CBD Tablets in a new design! Easy dosage and very easy to bring with you everywhere you want to go..!

Does CBD Help Boost Your Natural Defences?

CBD is a plant-based way to help maintain your body’s natural balance. This equilibrium is a vital part of staying in good condition. It’s a good way to keep your own defences against pathogens up and running. Your body’s endocannabinoid system, a part of your nervous system, uses compounds very similar to CBD. This explains its many effects. Here are some of the conditions people use CBD for:

  • Stress-related issues and hypertension;
  • Muscle aches, headaches and (back) pain;
  • Depression, mood swings and eating disorders;
  • Rheumatic symptoms and inflammations;
  • Acne and other skin problems

The list of applications keeps on growing. On that list, CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties are of particular interest these days. Doctors have claimed that Ibuprofen is a risky way to suppress inflammations during this corona epidemic. These suspicions were subsequently toned down, but it goes to show that non-critical use of regular anti-inflammatory drugs is not necessarily as harmless as we tend to think. They suggested paracetamol as a replacement, but CBD hands you a plant-based alternative for inflammations. Nonetheless, it is always wise to consult your doctor if in doubt.

Using CBD gives you a way to bolster your own body’s balance and defences without side-effects. Obviously, that’s a smart move whenever there’s a flu or some other virus going around. So how do you pack some extra punch on top of that? Simple: just add a good dash of vitamin C to the mix! SupMedi CBD tablets with vitamin C are the best we can offer you at this moment when it comes to sensible ways to supplement your diet.

CBD + Vitamin C = A Sensible Combination

Vitamin C is a great companion for CBD. Also known as ascorbic acid, Vitamin C speeds up your body’s capacity to absorb CBD, further adding to the effect. It protects you from free radicals and strengthens your skin, bones, vascular system and your general resistance to disease. Your body can’t produce its own vitamin C. That makes a packet of CBD tablets in your pocket a quick and convenient alternative to hauling a bag of oranges along when it comes to powering up your body. Our SupMedi CBD tablets have a fresh orange flavour and can be taken without water. That’s your personal anytime, anywhere health booster right there. Increasing your natural defences is always a good idea – especially in tough times like these!

TIP: Read here 8 Amazing Facts About CBD Oil

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